Freddy the Freeloader said:
I just got an e-mail which appeared to have been bounced back to me.
I am positive that this e-mail was never sent from my computer.
Could be a worm, or just spam.
It contains three attachments, which, of course, I haven't opened.
They are:
Homing Cimetidine?.eml
Part 1.2
Does anyone know anything about what these files might be??
The first one "might" be an e-mail. If it were mine, I would open it
using notepad (or DOS's and see.
I have a directory in which I save questionable content so that
I can investigate them later. Having placed items in that directory,
I think things run "from" there have the "My Computer" security
zone settings rather than the somewhat safer "Restricted" zone
that my OE is in.
....I wouldn't double click (in Windows parlance) because I consider
files with that extension to be unsafe (in Windows). Allowing the
default action would "open" the file "using" OE ~ not good ~ HTML
w/scripting - and this might not be happening in the "restricted" zone
as it would if "opened" from "within" OE (if you have placed OE in
the restricted zone and adjusted the appropriate security settings).
....could be an exploit to run an executable file.
The second one would need to be investigated also, again a double
click is not advised ~ I would use an editor.
This could be an executable file (MZ..something...'cannot be run
in DOS mode' - or - 'this program requires Microsoft Windows'
or some such) - it is possible that the .eml exploit attempts to run
this file. A file with an extension of .2 may not have a file association
registered for it, and if it is actually an OLE filetype, Windows may
execute part of its contents if double-clicked.
The third "might" be a JPEG (picture file) ~ You could probably
open it with a graphics program. I would open it with an editor
and see if it has the normal header for a JPEG file, and then use
the graphics program to view it.
I'm curious only because I have recently been the victim of a hacker
who sent me numerous viruses...parite, parite B, hantaner, msblast,
mslaugh, and one called stef there were others, but I can't remember
all of the names. Since the cleanup, I've tightened the security...
which before all this happened was non-existant.
You have been attending the computer security "school of
hard knocks"? Good luck with your continuing education. never ends.
Do you have an anti-virus scanner, spyware scanner, adware
scanner, or other anti-malware/anti-foistware programs? They
would be the best way to attempt to identify known items.