file download messes up the browser ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter emprisa
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I;m clicking on a file download link in this web app, and I choose to
open the file whic is an xml file.
I get a message to the effect of : Cannot find the temporary file.
Make sure the location/ internet address is correct.

I say OK. Then I cannot go to Tools->Internet Options. I get a message
saying the operation has been cancelled due to restrictions on the

A new Browser instance does allow me to set the internet options as i
have administrator rights.

My question:
1. Why am I not able to open teh downloaded file?
2. Why am I able to go to Internet Options afterwards, in this browser
window alone ?

I am experiencing the exact same error when trying click on a link for
a .txt file. I have no trouble with .pdf files or .doc files. In fact
those file extensions open just fine in the browser frame. But once I
receive the error described above and attempt to access Tools>Internet
Options I get the "restrictions on the computer" message. If I quit
out of the browser and then re-open it, I can access Tools>Internet
Options just fine. I'm running XP Pro SP2.

Anyone out there have any suggestions?

