Bruce Wiebe
hi all
im having a problem accessing a text file on my hard disk after ive
created it and added some text to it it would appear that the file is
still locked.
What happens is this i have three buttons on a windows form that provide
three options for the user the process goes like this
user clicks button one and a web service is called that dwnloads a list
of products to a local dataset, this is then looped through to extract a
product id and calls a function that then retrieves values for that
product this part seems to work fine and i end up with a lovelly tab
delimited file on my hard drive. however when i click the second button
(which is supposed to zip the file up) the system tells me that it cant
access the file as it is in use by another process i have scoured the
group for answers but to no avail and any help would be much appreciated
as thias is nearly the last part of this project.
Below i have placed the code for the two button click events and the
function that is called byt the button click any suggectiosn would be
useful ignore the scrappy code as i havnt tidied it up yet tend to do
that once its finished ;-)
i hope someone can help as im pulling my hair out over this
Code for first button click event
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ws As New localhost.webservice
'write the header into the file
'Dim objstreamwriter As StreamWriter
'objstreamwriter = File.CreateText(feedname)
Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(feedname)
Dim s As StreamWriter = fileInfo.CreateText()
s.WriteLine("product_url" & Chr(9) & "name" & Chr(9) &
"description" & Chr(9) & "price" & Chr(9) & "Image_url" & Chr(9) &
"category" & Chr(9) & "offer_id")
Dim localds As DataSet
Dim row As DataRow
Dim thistable As DataTable
Dim count As Integer
Dim productid As String
Dim mycolumn As DataColumn
localds = ws.Getproducts("passwordgoeshere", "passwordgoeshere")
Dim totalrows As String = localds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
For Each thistable In localds.Tables
' For each row, print the values of each column.
Dim myRow As DataRow
count = 0
For Each myRow In thistable.Rows
productid = myRow("productid")
count = count + 1
StatusBarPanel1.Text = "Processing Record Number " &
count & " of " & totalrows
Next myRow
Next thistable
StatusBar1.Text = "Feed File Created Succesfully"
MsgBox("Feed Has Been Created", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
Button2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Code for getinfo function
Public Function getinfo(ByVal productid As String)
'call a webservice to get the details depending on the productid
Dim ws As New localhost.webservice
'get the exchange rate setting from the database
Dim exchangerate As String =
ws.getExchangeRates("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere")
Dim productname As String
Dim pname As String = ws.getproductname("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim url As String
Dim descriptionin As String =
ws.getProductDescription("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim descriptionout As String
Dim descriptionout1 As String
Dim desc As String
Dim price As String = ws.getProductPrice("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim imageurl As String
Dim category As String = ws.getCategoryid("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim offerid As String
Dim imagename As String =
ws.getProductimage("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim mastercategory As String
Dim subcategory As String
Dim categoryid As String
Dim categorystring As String
Dim rate As Decimal = ws.getExchangeRates("passwordhoeshere",
descriptionout1 = Regex.Replace(descriptionin, "\s+", " ")
desc = Regex.Replace(descriptionout1, "<[^>]*>", "")
If Len(desc) > 1000 Then
descriptionout = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(desc, 1000)
descriptionout = desc
End If
If Len(pname) > 80 Then
productname = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(pname, 80)
productname = pname
End If
'check categorys for length and get category names etc
If Len(category) = 8 Or Len(category) > 8 Then
categoryid = ws.getSubCategoryid("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
subcategory = ws.getSubCategoryName("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
'now we get the master category
mastercategory = ws.getmastercategory("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", categoryid)
'create the string that will be sued in the file
categorystring = mastercategory & ">" & subcategory
mastercategory = ws.getmastercategory("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
categorystring = mastercategory
End If
Dim totalprice As String
totalprice = String.Format("{0:n}", CDec(price) * CDec(rate))
'create the imageurl that will go in the file needs changing in
the final version
imageurl = siteroot & "/productimages/" & imagename
url = ws.getRootURL("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere") &
"/productdetails.aspx?productid=" & productid
'append the values into the file
Dim objstreamwriter As StreamWriter
objstreamwriter = File.AppendText(feedname)
objstreamwriter.WriteLine(url & Chr(9) & productname & Chr(9) &
descriptionout & Chr(9) & totalprice & Chr(9) & imageurl & Chr(9) &
categorystring & Chr(9))
End Function
'code for zipping up file
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'zip up the file with the supplied feedname
Dim objCrc32 As New Crc32
Dim strmZipOutputStream As ZipOutputStream
strmZipOutputStream = New ZipOutputStream(File.Create(feedname))
REM Compression Level: 0-9
REM 0: no(Compression)
REM 9: maximum compression
Dim strFile As String = (feedname)
'For Each strFile In astrFileNames
Dim strmFile As FileStream = File.OpenRead(strFile)
Dim abyBuffer(strmFile.Length - 1) As Byte
strmFile.Read(abyBuffer, 0, abyBuffer.Length)
Dim objZipEntry As ZipEntry = New ZipEntry(strFile)
objZipEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now
objZipEntry.Size = strmFile.Length
objZipEntry.Crc = objCrc32.Value
strmZipOutputStream.Write(abyBuffer, 0, abyBuffer.Length)
MsgBox("Feed File has been Zipped Sucessfully",
MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information")
Button3.Enabled = True
End Sub
im having a problem accessing a text file on my hard disk after ive
created it and added some text to it it would appear that the file is
still locked.
What happens is this i have three buttons on a windows form that provide
three options for the user the process goes like this
user clicks button one and a web service is called that dwnloads a list
of products to a local dataset, this is then looped through to extract a
product id and calls a function that then retrieves values for that
product this part seems to work fine and i end up with a lovelly tab
delimited file on my hard drive. however when i click the second button
(which is supposed to zip the file up) the system tells me that it cant
access the file as it is in use by another process i have scoured the
group for answers but to no avail and any help would be much appreciated
as thias is nearly the last part of this project.
Below i have placed the code for the two button click events and the
function that is called byt the button click any suggectiosn would be
useful ignore the scrappy code as i havnt tidied it up yet tend to do
that once its finished ;-)
i hope someone can help as im pulling my hair out over this
Code for first button click event
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ws As New localhost.webservice
'write the header into the file
'Dim objstreamwriter As StreamWriter
'objstreamwriter = File.CreateText(feedname)
Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(feedname)
Dim s As StreamWriter = fileInfo.CreateText()
s.WriteLine("product_url" & Chr(9) & "name" & Chr(9) &
"description" & Chr(9) & "price" & Chr(9) & "Image_url" & Chr(9) &
"category" & Chr(9) & "offer_id")
Dim localds As DataSet
Dim row As DataRow
Dim thistable As DataTable
Dim count As Integer
Dim productid As String
Dim mycolumn As DataColumn
localds = ws.Getproducts("passwordgoeshere", "passwordgoeshere")
Dim totalrows As String = localds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
For Each thistable In localds.Tables
' For each row, print the values of each column.
Dim myRow As DataRow
count = 0
For Each myRow In thistable.Rows
productid = myRow("productid")
count = count + 1
StatusBarPanel1.Text = "Processing Record Number " &
count & " of " & totalrows
Next myRow
Next thistable
StatusBar1.Text = "Feed File Created Succesfully"
MsgBox("Feed Has Been Created", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
Button2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Code for getinfo function
Public Function getinfo(ByVal productid As String)
'call a webservice to get the details depending on the productid
Dim ws As New localhost.webservice
'get the exchange rate setting from the database
Dim exchangerate As String =
ws.getExchangeRates("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere")
Dim productname As String
Dim pname As String = ws.getproductname("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim url As String
Dim descriptionin As String =
ws.getProductDescription("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim descriptionout As String
Dim descriptionout1 As String
Dim desc As String
Dim price As String = ws.getProductPrice("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim imageurl As String
Dim category As String = ws.getCategoryid("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim offerid As String
Dim imagename As String =
ws.getProductimage("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere", productid)
Dim mastercategory As String
Dim subcategory As String
Dim categoryid As String
Dim categorystring As String
Dim rate As Decimal = ws.getExchangeRates("passwordhoeshere",
descriptionout1 = Regex.Replace(descriptionin, "\s+", " ")
desc = Regex.Replace(descriptionout1, "<[^>]*>", "")
If Len(desc) > 1000 Then
descriptionout = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(desc, 1000)
descriptionout = desc
End If
If Len(pname) > 80 Then
productname = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(pname, 80)
productname = pname
End If
'check categorys for length and get category names etc
If Len(category) = 8 Or Len(category) > 8 Then
categoryid = ws.getSubCategoryid("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
subcategory = ws.getSubCategoryName("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
'now we get the master category
mastercategory = ws.getmastercategory("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", categoryid)
'create the string that will be sued in the file
categorystring = mastercategory & ">" & subcategory
mastercategory = ws.getmastercategory("passwordhoeshere",
"passwordhoeshere", category)
categorystring = mastercategory
End If
Dim totalprice As String
totalprice = String.Format("{0:n}", CDec(price) * CDec(rate))
'create the imageurl that will go in the file needs changing in
the final version
imageurl = siteroot & "/productimages/" & imagename
url = ws.getRootURL("passwordhoeshere", "passwordhoeshere") &
"/productdetails.aspx?productid=" & productid
'append the values into the file
Dim objstreamwriter As StreamWriter
objstreamwriter = File.AppendText(feedname)
objstreamwriter.WriteLine(url & Chr(9) & productname & Chr(9) &
descriptionout & Chr(9) & totalprice & Chr(9) & imageurl & Chr(9) &
categorystring & Chr(9))
End Function
'code for zipping up file
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'zip up the file with the supplied feedname
Dim objCrc32 As New Crc32
Dim strmZipOutputStream As ZipOutputStream
strmZipOutputStream = New ZipOutputStream(File.Create(feedname))
REM Compression Level: 0-9
REM 0: no(Compression)
REM 9: maximum compression
Dim strFile As String = (feedname)
'For Each strFile In astrFileNames
Dim strmFile As FileStream = File.OpenRead(strFile)
Dim abyBuffer(strmFile.Length - 1) As Byte
strmFile.Read(abyBuffer, 0, abyBuffer.Length)
Dim objZipEntry As ZipEntry = New ZipEntry(strFile)
objZipEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now
objZipEntry.Size = strmFile.Length
objZipEntry.Crc = objCrc32.Value
strmZipOutputStream.Write(abyBuffer, 0, abyBuffer.Length)
MsgBox("Feed File has been Zipped Sucessfully",
MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information")
Button3.Enabled = True
End Sub