file backup component

  • Thread starter Thread starter Merry.Win
  • Start date Start date


Hi All

How to know that file backup component is included in the xpe image?

thank you for your answer.

Probably what you are looking for is "Windows Backup Utility" component. (Since SP2 this component has Visibility 1000)
Hi ,KM

I have builded a XPE image with SQL server 2005. Sometimes,my SQL server
service can not automaticly start after system is start.I have checked the
log with event viewer.There is a error in event log that a thread are using
mastlog.ldf file when system start the SQL service.The thread that Mr.RM in
microsoft.public.sqlserver.server newgroup told me may be the file backup

How can I konw whether my image have file backup function?



I am not sure what he was referring to as the backup thread. Perhaps, he meant something that belongs to the SQL server itself.
I'd recommend you:
- Delay the start of the SQL server service until manual start. This way you can test it whether there is indeed a timing issue
- Explore the issue with the tools from Specifically, make use of ProcessExplorer and ProcessMonitor tools.
The first one will give you enough info about a process/service as to what modules (dlls, etc.) and files (database files, logs
,etc.) are being loaded and mapped to the process address space. With this you may be able to find the process that locks the LDF

As to the windows backup. Just check if you happened to include the components I already mentioned in your image config and/or its

I've tested the method you recommended me that revealed there indeed a
timing issue on my system.Afer enter the desktop and all system tray icons
on the right below desktop appear,I can start manually SQL service easily.

But which thread occupies the LDF file when system boot up? I do not install
file backup app or any other app that need LDF file a while.



Well, honestly, if the issue is only due to some timing at the system boot time, it may be not easy to find out he source who keeps
the file locked at the boot time.

First of all, you should carefully review all the services, Run/RunOnce and Start Up programs on your image runtime. Maybe you will
be able to find the faulty component just from the service name.

Otherwise you can try to use audit techniques to find out who's trying to access the LDF file. The audit will only work for you if
you use NTFS file system. Here is how you set up the audit on particular file: You should
probably set the Success and Failure audit event on that file to see all the attempts to access it. Easiest way to make the audit
and Local Security Policies work on your image is to include Administrative Tools Support component and resolve its dependencies.
Otherwise, AuditPol.exe command line tool from Resource Kit may be used.
Hi, KM

Thank you for your relevant suggestions

I've gotten my problem solved.The reason why my SQL service sometimes can
not start is that a anti-virus software sans the file on the disk at the
system boot time.

So,if I install any anti-virus program on my XPE even XP system with
real-time scan funtion working,the problem I met will happen at any time.

