Hi Ramesh... well this time when I followed your instructions.. now psp and
pspimages open iin paint shop pro.. but tubes or the tub extension do not..
I have re associated the files inside of Paint shop Pro.. and also used the
open with to associated all the psp files.. I also reinstalled the program
thinking that would do it.. but I think the problem is with windows... and
not the program,
Just before reinstalling the program.. I deleted the appropriate keys in the
registry .. only in user and machine though.. so I don't know why this is
acting this way.. maybe I need to format but really hate the thought!
thanks for the help..appreciate any suggestions... Rainy
Open Regedit.exe and navigate to the following branch:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\Paint Shop Pro X.exe\shell\Open\ddeexec
In the right-pane, double-click the value named "(default)"
Set its value data as "[open("%1")]" (without the outer quotes)
Close Regedit.exe
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
I'm not sure I understand... do you mean it's in the default and not in the
string... Can I add it manually? I do quite a bit on my own with my
computer.. have been fixing my own xp problems for a long time now, with the
help of this group and the net.. thank God for this group! but the registry
is quite difficult for me but if you will please tell me what I need to do.
I can do it. thanks Rainy
So where is the "[open("%1")] entry in your registry export? It's clearly
- - -
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe\shell\Open\ddeexec
- - -
Perhaps you can try it again, or I'll create a REG file for you later.
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
here is the text i copied and pasted! I also attached the screenshot of
the default that looked to me like it had exactly what you asked me for...
if I'm missing something please let me know...
I appreciate the help..
thanks Rainy
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe\shell
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe\shell\Open
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe\shell\Open\command
<NO NAME> REG_SZ "D:\Programs\Corel\Paint Shop Pro X.exe" /dde
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro X.exe\shell\Open\ddeexec
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\paint shop pro
<NO NAME> REG_SZ Corel Paint Shop Pro X
C:\Documents and Settings\Pat Estrada>
No. It was not, by looking at the graphic you posted earlier. That's the
reason I suggested that edit. Can you verify if you've edited the correct
Run the "Reg.exe" command once again and Copy/Paste the results here.
Tip: To copy text from Command Prompt window, right-click anywhere on the
command prompt and choose "Select All" and then press ENTER (this copies the
text to clipboard)
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
Hi Ramesh.. no that was already set up that way.. but copied and pasted your
string just in case I was overlooking something.. I appreciate very much
your helping me.. more than you know..
Open Regedit.exe and navigate to:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\Paint Shop Pro X.exe\shell\Open\ddeexec]
Double-click (default) and set its data as given below:
Close Regedit.exe
If that does not help, post back. We can try another method to crack the
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
it would not let me copy and paste what came up. so I created a screenshot..
hopefully you will be able to view it.. I changed the exe to paint shop pro
X.exe as suggested.. Thanks for helping me.. I have your windows xp site
saved in my favorites and go there often..
thanks. Rainy
Hi Rainy,
Click Start, Run and type:
cmd /k reg query "HKCR\Applications\psp.exe" /s
Copy the output and paste it along with your reply.
Note: The above assumes that the executable file name for Paintshop Pro is
psp.exe. If not, change the file name in the above command accordingly.
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
thanks Ramesh for jumping in.. I have reinstalled the program.. hoping that
would fix it.. but it hasn't. is there a way I can manually edit the
registry so the file opens.. and not just the program? thanks again.. Rainy
I second this suggestion.
I believe a "%1" (file name argument) is missing in registry for PSP
application registration. Should be fixed by reisntalling PSP.
Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting
BruceM said:
Another one with the same problem.
Trying to add Paint Shop Pro to the "open with" list but failed the 3
dif ways I usually succeed in doing it.
Get's a bit on the nose having to open PSP first & then browsing to
the file to open it.
Only way I haven't tried is with reg hack. Might go investigate that
Probably easier to just re-install PSP and let it reset the associations.
Unless something has the association locked, that'll work. Just save your
My PSP Files folder off to the side while you reinstall.