Hi-I'm relatively new to digital photography so please bear with me.
I like to take any # of pics of my Beagle, or friends, etc.. I then add
them to existing labeled cds. When burning I'm always getting the mess. that
a particular file # is used on the cd & asked if I want to write over it,
etc.. So I go back to My Pics & re-number, arbitrarily, all of the files.
For ex. file.01 I'll change to file.8001, etc.. Very tedious. I know
there's a simpler way. Can someone teach me?
I like to take any # of pics of my Beagle, or friends, etc.. I then add
them to existing labeled cds. When burning I'm always getting the mess. that
a particular file # is used on the cd & asked if I want to write over it,
etc.. So I go back to My Pics & re-number, arbitrarily, all of the files.
For ex. file.01 I'll change to file.8001, etc.. Very tedious. I know
there's a simpler way. Can someone teach me?