Every time I reboot the computer it turns of file and printer sharing - most
annoying. I set file and printer sharing as on in the network and sharing
centre and then in the firewall. It works fine. When I reboot Vista (or some
program) turns it off. I am running Vista on 2 machines and have 2 other XP
machines all on a workgroup together. When file and printer sharing is on
they all share nicely.
The other programs installed that might affect this are McAfee (its firewall
is diabled), Network Magic (this is set with sharing on all the computers and
the selected files).
Any help is most appreciated.
Best regards,
Every time I reboot the computer it turns of file and printer sharing - most
annoying. I set file and printer sharing as on in the network and sharing
centre and then in the firewall. It works fine. When I reboot Vista (or some
program) turns it off. I am running Vista on 2 machines and have 2 other XP
machines all on a workgroup together. When file and printer sharing is on
they all share nicely.
The other programs installed that might affect this are McAfee (its firewall
is diabled), Network Magic (this is set with sharing on all the computers and
the selected files).
Any help is most appreciated.
Best regards,