I read somewhere in the above posts something about Fiji but can't find
it now having spent all of 5 seconds looking for it.
The post likened Vista and Fiji to ME and XP with a lead in time of
about 2 years.
I'd like to suggest that the lead in time be 6 months
On the basis that designing an OS for 2007 hardware should be available
in 2007 and not 2009.
Releasing an OS in 2009 that meets 2007 hardware spec struggles to meet
incremental and evolutionary changes in hardware slowing the whole cycle
Can't we have Fiji in 2007?
it now having spent all of 5 seconds looking for it.
The post likened Vista and Fiji to ME and XP with a lead in time of
about 2 years.
I'd like to suggest that the lead in time be 6 months

On the basis that designing an OS for 2007 hardware should be available
in 2007 and not 2009.
Releasing an OS in 2009 that meets 2007 hardware spec struggles to meet
incremental and evolutionary changes in hardware slowing the whole cycle
Can't we have Fiji in 2007?