I have a form with three fields :
Quantity, Quantity Delivered, Quantity Remaining.
The Quantity Remaining field = Quantity - Quantity Delivered
Can someone please tell me the code to validate this field so that if
Quantity Delivered > Quantity the error message "You have tried to enter a
quantity to deliver that is greater than the quantity ordered"
I have tried the code below which I don't think is too far off but it
doesn't work:
=IIf([Quantity Delivered]>[Quantity Ordered],"You are trying to send more
than was ordered!")
I have a form with three fields :
Quantity, Quantity Delivered, Quantity Remaining.
The Quantity Remaining field = Quantity - Quantity Delivered
Can someone please tell me the code to validate this field so that if
Quantity Delivered > Quantity the error message "You have tried to enter a
quantity to deliver that is greater than the quantity ordered"
I have tried the code below which I don't think is too far off but it
doesn't work:
=IIf([Quantity Delivered]>[Quantity Ordered],"You are trying to send more
than was ordered!")