Field Too Small Error



Somebody please help me. I have a database that has a FE
and BE. The BE is in the home office on a server. I
also have a replica of the BE in a remote city.
Sychronization is scheduled nightly. 25 users access
this database. Lately, users have encountered the
following error.

"The field is too small to accept the amount of data you
attemped to add. Try inserting or pasting less data."

Why am I getting this error? I have been kicking
everybody out of the system, recreating the table by
doing a Make Table query and then deleting the old table.
This is a temporary fix. This problem doesn't occur
every day, but in the last two weeks, it has occured
several times. What me! I need to get to
the root of this problem.



1st Have you checked the size of the field in both BE's
2nd The problem could be in one of the forms in the FE on
the user machines.
3rd Are you the only person with admin rights to the tables

Good Luck



The fields are check box fields. Why would it be a form
problem? Everybody has the same FE...the same forms. I
am the only person with admin rights to the tables. This
problem has me baffled. I'm trying to determine what has
changed in our environment. I don't know if this means
anything, but we are using two operating systems. Some
users have WindowsXP and most users have Windows 2000.
Did I mention that the database is Access 97? WHAT IS
THE PROBLEM??????? I don't have a clue! HELP!!!!

Tony Toews

Joyce said:
The fields are check box fields.

You have the triple state option selected on the check box on the
form. However the field is bound to a boolean. When the user clicks
to where the box is grey, which Access takes as being null, Access
can't put that value in the boolean field.

If you want to use triple state you need to change the field type to
integer and likely subtype byte.

However allowing a null value may cause some problems in queries and

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Thanks Tony!
-----Original Message-----

You have the triple state option selected on the check box on the
form. However the field is bound to a boolean. When the user clicks
to where the box is grey, which Access takes as being null, Access
can't put that value in the boolean field.

If you want to use triple state you need to change the field type to
integer and likely subtype byte.

However allowing a null value may cause some problems in queries and

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Tony Toews

Joyce said:
Thanks Tony!

You're quite welcome.

BTW the only reason I have such a detailed explanation is that I had
this exact problem, for the first time a few weeks ago. <smile>

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

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