Ben Bullock
If I have a field containing text, like
where [ and ] represent the beginning and end of the field, and I start
This is an XYZ
then instead of getting
This is an [XYZ]
I get
[This is an XYZ].
Then when I update the field, the "This is an " disappears completely.
To work around this, I discovered that a comma does not get swallowed, so I
type a comma before the XYZ, then go back and input before the comma, so
This is an ,[XYZ]
then go back yet again and delete the comma. However, this is a little
annoying. Is there a way to stop fields from automatically swallowing and
then destroying my input? Also, what is the purpose of this function? Why
would anyone want their text to be swallowed into the field? Text input
after the field doesn't get swallowed.
Thank you for any help.
where [ and ] represent the beginning and end of the field, and I start
This is an XYZ
then instead of getting
This is an [XYZ]
I get
[This is an XYZ].
Then when I update the field, the "This is an " disappears completely.
To work around this, I discovered that a comma does not get swallowed, so I
type a comma before the XYZ, then go back and input before the comma, so
This is an ,[XYZ]
then go back yet again and delete the comma. However, this is a little
annoying. Is there a way to stop fields from automatically swallowing and
then destroying my input? Also, what is the purpose of this function? Why
would anyone want their text to be swallowed into the field? Text input
after the field doesn't get swallowed.
Thank you for any help.