How do I set the following properties for a field from VBA (primary key,
Lookup, Row Source Type, Row Source,Limit to List)? I'm using an ADODB
I have an existing database with lots of tables and fields for which i need
to modify the properties. I want to use code to do the changes instead of
having to go through the gruelling task of manual modifications. I have tried
using currentdb.tabledef(i).field(i).property(i).value..., but I can't get
the properties mentioned above.
How do I set the following properties for a field from VBA (primary key,
Lookup, Row Source Type, Row Source,Limit to List)? I'm using an ADODB
I have an existing database with lots of tables and fields for which i need
to modify the properties. I want to use code to do the changes instead of
having to go through the gruelling task of manual modifications. I have tried
using currentdb.tabledef(i).field(i).property(i).value..., but I can't get
the properties mentioned above.