field not showing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mel
  • Start date Start date


I went back to a form to add a field that exist in the
table the form is written from and the newer field doesn't
show up in my "view field list". So I tried to add it
using the expression builder but that doesn't work
either. All I get is #Name? when I run the form.


There is several reasons why this might happen.

however, usually the "problem" here is that you form is based on a query.
Those quires let you select ONLY what fields will be available for the form.
If you go to the table and add a new field...that query is NOT changed.

So, check what the data source of the form is, and if need be, add the new
field to that query.

You could also change the form's data source to the actual table...but then
you don't have any nice options to sort the form. The most preferred way to
"sort" or "Order" the data for a form is to use a query. However, if you
don't need any special sort order..then it can be acceptable to bind the
form direct to the table in place of the preferred query.