Field Maybe??



I am working with Word 2003, I have a document that is approximately 100
pages long with page numbers on the bottom of every page. Is there a way to
have Word insert the page number after the last text on the page and keep it
from changing if the pagination changes thereafter on the document?

I want to somehow mark where the original pages end in the document with the
page number.


I gather from your question that you have a Page X of Y format, and yo
want Y the last pagenumber of your text, and not the last page of you
If this is what you want, insert a section break after the last tex
and set the Y in the page numbering field to SECTIONPAGES instead o
the normal NUMPAGES field. It's probably easiest to do by selectin
the field, Shift+F9 to display the field codes and replacing "NUM" b
"SECTION". If you have more sections, you need some more fiddling an
if you may need more help, please repost with details.



If you add material to a given page (like an empty paragraph with a page
number in it) you might ruin the pagination. What will you do if a single
paragraph breaks across a page?

No matter what, there's no simple way to automate what you want to do.

Assuming you were willing to page through the document and somehow insert a
page number field without disturbing the pagination, you'd then need to
select and lock or unlink the fields before you did anything else.

You can insert a page number field by clicking Insert > Field and selecting
Page from the list of all fields. You can lock the fields by pressing Ctrl +
F11 (Ctrl + Shift + F11 to unlock). You can unlink the fields (make them dead
text) by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F9.


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