Field Labels

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itsdtp via

Does anybody know of a way to have your form data entry field labels draw
dynamically from say a table of questions? I have a database that has a
table with numeric ratings that are associated with questions. Each
question has a unique ID. I have another table that has these same unique
ID's as it's primary key and a field that has the associated question for
use in forms. I would like to be able to create forms and reports that
have fields that have labels that pull from the questions table so that
questions can be changed without serious modification of forms and reports.
Any help is truly appreciated. Thanks.
The text within a label is me![controlname_label].caption --- so you can put
some code in to load those fields.
Ah if I only new how to write code I am sure there are a lot of things I
could make happen... But alas I do not and I rather suspected that to make
the improvements requested I was going to have to learn how. I don't think
I'll be able to come up to speed by my deadline of June 1. I appreciate
the response and will save it for when I re-vamp this database.