I inherited some documents that had some cross referencing put in using a
combination of the set and seq field codes as well as simple cross references
to heading levels. I need to separate the information into separate files
(basically, create some additional chapters). I began by opening up the first
file and saving it out as a separate file name. Then I went into each version
of the file, and deleted the parts that were no longer going to be in that
chapter. Then I tried updating the cross references.
Each file is a chapter. At the top of each chapter file is a field code. For
{ SET chap_1 "Welcome" \"MERGEFORMAT } (example from old chapter 1 file)
{ SET chap_2 "Hardware" \"MERGEFORMAT } (example from new chapter 2 file)
Then there is a listing (like a TOC but not autogenerated) of the sections
in the file. For example:
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page { seq chapter \c }-{ PAGEREF_Ref123456789
o About Pocket PCs (page { seq chapter \c }-{ PAGEREF_Ref123456783 })
The page numbers are suppose to be a combination of the chapter number and
page in that chapter. The page number itself comes out fine as it's just a
simple cross reference. However, the chapter number won't update when I try
copying the information to a new file and change the chapter number. In the
example above, the file is suppose to be for Chapter 2. It was copied from
the file for Chapter 1 and all the chapter numbering still shows the number 1
instead of 2. In other words it reads:
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page 1-1)
o About Pocket PCs (page 1-2)
Instead of
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page 2-1)
o About Pocket PCs (page 2-2)
I've tried hitting F9 to update the chapter references and even tried the
cntrl-shift-F11 to unlock the field and then hit F9 to see if that was the
problem, but it still won't update. I've checked the other chapter files my
predecessor did and they all use the same construct. In each case, if I copy
the original file into a new filename and attempt to update the chapter
number in the set field, it doesn't udpate the cross reference to in in the
seq fields. I can only assume there's some other hidden element that controls
the numbering that hasn't been updated but I don't know where to look. Any
ideas? Unfortunately, the person that origianlly wrote these doesn't remember
what they did to set this up in the first place.
combination of the set and seq field codes as well as simple cross references
to heading levels. I need to separate the information into separate files
(basically, create some additional chapters). I began by opening up the first
file and saving it out as a separate file name. Then I went into each version
of the file, and deleted the parts that were no longer going to be in that
chapter. Then I tried updating the cross references.
Each file is a chapter. At the top of each chapter file is a field code. For
{ SET chap_1 "Welcome" \"MERGEFORMAT } (example from old chapter 1 file)
{ SET chap_2 "Hardware" \"MERGEFORMAT } (example from new chapter 2 file)
Then there is a listing (like a TOC but not autogenerated) of the sections
in the file. For example:
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page { seq chapter \c }-{ PAGEREF_Ref123456789
o About Pocket PCs (page { seq chapter \c }-{ PAGEREF_Ref123456783 })
The page numbers are suppose to be a combination of the chapter number and
page in that chapter. The page number itself comes out fine as it's just a
simple cross reference. However, the chapter number won't update when I try
copying the information to a new file and change the chapter number. In the
example above, the file is suppose to be for Chapter 2. It was copied from
the file for Chapter 1 and all the chapter numbering still shows the number 1
instead of 2. In other words it reads:
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page 1-1)
o About Pocket PCs (page 1-2)
Instead of
This chapter contains the following topics:
o Hardware Components (page 2-1)
o About Pocket PCs (page 2-2)
I've tried hitting F9 to update the chapter references and even tried the
cntrl-shift-F11 to unlock the field and then hit F9 to see if that was the
problem, but it still won't update. I've checked the other chapter files my
predecessor did and they all use the same construct. In each case, if I copy
the original file into a new filename and attempt to update the chapter
number in the set field, it doesn't udpate the cross reference to in in the
seq fields. I can only assume there's some other hidden element that controls
the numbering that hasn't been updated but I don't know where to look. Any
ideas? Unfortunately, the person that origianlly wrote these doesn't remember
what they did to set this up in the first place.