Field Calculations from Different Tables

Jul 19, 2010
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I have created a form with a series of 7 unattached Tables on the same page with one row & 5 Columns Each. (The reason they are not merged is because there is paragraphs between them. The field to be calculated is E1 in each one of the tables. The total field would be in E2 of Table7.. I bookmarked each table naming them Table1, Table2, etc..

I tried using
={SUM(Table 1 E1)+SUM(Table2 E1)..etc)}

... in the calculation field I want the Total to be in but get "t00" instead of a sum of the numbers. Probably because there is an error in my formula and I have formatted the field to show 0.00. I've checked all my cell references with a macro so know they are 100% correct. Just can't seem to get this working!

What is the correct formula to use??

Well, after an exhaustive google search I found my own solution. Thought I would post in case others need it.

To Sum Word Form fields from cells in different tables:

Bookmark the tables individually that contain data you want to add.
Identify the Cell the field with data is in. ( I used this macro to keep the guesswork out:
Insert a text field where you want the result.
Right click text field, select Calculation, and enter =SUM(Table1 A1, Table2 A2, etc.)

Remember to check calculate on Exit on your result field and also each field that will contain the data you want to add.

It was so simple once I found it ;)