FF vs. IE - Need a chuckle?

cirianz said:
Not biased are you mucks ;) They say insanity likes company :p
ah, nice of you to join me ... :D

Hey! Linux ain't perfect ... but it comes close. :p
muckshifter said:
ah, nice of you to join me ... :D

Hey! Linux ain't perfect ... but it comes close. :p

:D Hey, I lost my sanity years ago, You know, usual thing, passenger in Australia, luggage in Karachi, sanity in Dubai :p but then, the world is so much more colourful this way don't you think? ;)

As for Linux, I haven't tried it, but from what I've researched of it (at a time when I was somewhat more up with my understanding of the ins & outs of software) I think I'd like to try it someday, but reckon I'd want to be a bit more computer literate than I am now (my level of computer literacy moves in cycles - I learn quickly & forget fast if I'm not using it all the time) At the moment even my html is a bit rusty.
As I understand it Linux can be a difficult system to learn but is much more versatile to use. & I also am very much in favour of open source software. I used to keep an eye on the Linux site (& a few review & discussion sites), tracking updates etc, but that was a very long time ago When I was researching the subject & doing a check out & comparison of the various different versions. Aproximately 5 years ago now. I'm afraid that, even if I could remember my analysis, it would be hopelessly out of date now, especially given the rate linux evolves.
So in the meantime I will stick with mac :D It does it for me as linux does it for you:)
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Ah, Linux.

It does take a long time to learn all it's quirks, text commands etc., makes MS DOS look easy, frankly.

However, the way Distros are now, some are getting close to being as easy to use as Windows.

I would suggest, however, that if it your first time you either allow yourself the luxury of an independent system or at least dual boot.

I actually have a list here, 'Things I can do in Windows' against 'Things I can't do in Linux but I can do in Windows'.

The gap is closing.

For instance, 'The Gimp' is free. Is does everything I use in Adobe Photsoshop 7.0 (about £500.00) just as well.

And Open Office (free) does all I need that MS Office does. It even opens MS Office documents.

I'm not fully converted, but I will be.

There will come a day when Bill Gates is really, really, going to be p****d off, and I, for one, will welcome that day.

A Mac, you say?

Hmm, no comment, very little experience there, Mac users are weird, bless 'em :D
floppybootstomp said:
A Mac, you say?

Hmm, no comment, very little experience there, Mac users are weird, bless 'em :D

:D You've met me then? People have been saying that I'm weird for as long as I can remember :p And I like to feel that I'm fulfilling my duty & duely p***ing Bill Gates off (as every good planetary citizen should try to do) by using my machintosh :)

I did have to smile about the pop-up adds comment on the firefox 'add'. I never knew why people complained about pop-up adds all the time, I almost never get them & thought that was normal at first until a friend of mine commented that the best thing about having become a paid member of a particular site meant that she now no longer got all those annoying pop-up adds. I had never got any pop-up adds from the site in the first place. But it wasn't until I went online on a PC that I really discovered just how many pop-ups there are out there:eek:. I couldn't believe it.
I may be weird but I think I'll stick with my mac, safari & firefox as my prefered browsers.
I don't get the pop-ups if I use Internet explorer on my mac, but as a browser it is just so clumsy & inefficient that I don't understand why anyone would want to use it in the first place. But different strokes for different folks I suppose ;)
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