Few questions

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Firstly, is it possible to add in two layer of sounds in a project? Eg: Put
in sound effects AND voice-overs?
Secondly, does saving the project as a movie file reduce the quality in any
way, and is there a way to optimise the file size?
You'll need to make second pass to add additional audio layer.

Amount of reduced quality depends on the formats saved as. For video the
best quality is DV-AVI.
Sorry. What do you mean by 'second pass'? Does that just mean I have to save
it then re-import it?
This is just off the top of my head without testing so it could have
omissions and errors. But I think it should give you the idea.

Adding more than one additional audio track

1) Build your movie and save the project as you normally would.

2) Mute the audio of all video clips.

3) Add addition audio track.

4) Save movie as High Quality Video (NTSC).

5) Close the project.

6) Import the video saved in step 4 into Windows Movie Maker and repeat
steps 3 - 5. Repeat this process as many times as needed to add all desired
audio, except the audio of the video clips. To save disk space you can
delete the videos being saved in previous iteration of step 4.

7) Open the original Windows Movie Maker project.

8) Import the last movie saved in step 4, and place it on the audio

9) Save final movie.


Al Stu - MVP
Learning is more valuable than being right.

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