Windows XP few problems

Jun 30, 2008
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hello all im new here, never really had much problems with pc's over the years untill now, i preformed a hd reformat the other day. all seemed to go ok as always does. i installed sound video drivers etc. before i formated i saved all my needed programs, pics etc to cd. so after the format i popped that in the cd drive to put my program back on, but it wouldnt run, i tried another copied cd i have with mp3s and that was the same. i put an original in an that took a few attempts to load i had to open and close the cd drive a few times for it to read. i tried this with the copy i did about 2 hours ago( it worked before i formated) and it still wont read it. i thought maybe the drivers arn't install for the cd drive. in device manager there is one problem with the pci modem but this shouldnt effect the loading of cds. i would be greatful for any help

thank you
If the CD drive did work once randomly after opening/closing a few times it could be that it has failed, and the format was just a co-incidence. A good way to tell would be to try and boot from a CD when your computer first starts and see if that works ok.

Check the cables are plugged in ok, but it might be that you'll need to try swapping it with another drive for a proper check.
You would be better of getting a new disk drive, as Ian says it sounds like your disk drive has failed. You can get disk drives cheap at the moment. Have you got any spare ones that you could put in and see if they work?

Edit, if you don't feel cable of fitting a new disk drive then I have listed some shops in stockport for you.


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thank you wiz, i got a complete tower that i want looking at that went down few months ago, but now my laptop is going down aswell ha ha. iv no spare disk drive for laptop to be honest i'd rather spend the cash on the tower i have, the laptop is nothing special. think i'll go down that road. i havent got the cd for the mother board drivers so i think that might be my problem but i cant find them anywhere to download
ermmmm lol how would i find out?
the laptop is a
microstar md7276
model: fid2030

if that helps

thank you
thank you wiz you been a help. i just going to plod on with it for now then get my tower sorted out