Steve C said:
<rolls up sleeves> . . ..
Tara, I'm not going to get into a fight over this...
Neither am I. For one thing, I don't have the time
Referring back to the post from Frode.
Click on "AVG Products" then click on "AVG Free Edition" from that page is
the link to the page you eventually found yourself. I can't understand
where the problem lies????
Re-read the above post. Yes, there's a link. No, to the average user, it's
not obvious. Or at least, not as obvious as their trial version and full-fee
software is.
My original post stated that "obvious links to the free edition" are not
there. It's a sneaky trick and it's not right (imho) when the user base who
really *needs* free software (little old biddies, pensioners, etc) can't
immediately find the link to the free version. So they read "free trial!"
and think "oh, this is the free edition that my tech support person was
talking about" and panic when the license runs out.
The key word here is "obvious". Compare the obvious links to the free
version on the Avast homepage, for instance, and you'll see what I mean.
Now, you and I - and most of the posters in this forum - do not have a
problem with finding a buried link. In fact, some of us have so little
problem with it that they barely notice the extra cycle time required to
find what they need (it took me about 2 seconds to work out where it had
gone). That's not the point. The point is that web design of this nature
is - intentionally or otherwise - misleading and improper (once again,
Or maybe it's just poor web design.
Look at this page, for instance:
"Select your desired solution from the complete list of AVG products bellow.
If you are not sure, which product fits your needs best, please contact our
Sales Support or read more details about each AVG product."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a "complete list" include the Free
Edition somewhere in that list? Yes, there it is on the sidebar. But this
paragraph was not talking about that side bar, it's talking about the "list
bellow" [sic].
Maybe the Free Edition might "suit your needs best"?
Real do *exactly* the same thing on their homepage (go have a look if you
don't believe me . . . yes, the link is there, but you can't exactly call
that "obvious" can you, compared the trial version advert).
Ok, so I'm being pedantic (so sue me

I'm just a stickler for this kind of
thing. But it strikes me as unethical to do this.