Is there any way to feed information from excel into word?
I have created an entire searchable database of our 1600 accounts i
excel by product. Now what I am wanting to do with it is export th
accounts returned into a word document set to "Avery 5160" label type
so that we can print off mailers for our customers, based upon th
products they receive.
Any help? I'm not even sure if this is possible. But any help will b
greatly appreciated.
- Justi
I have created an entire searchable database of our 1600 accounts i
excel by product. Now what I am wanting to do with it is export th
accounts returned into a word document set to "Avery 5160" label type
so that we can print off mailers for our customers, based upon th
products they receive.
Any help? I'm not even sure if this is possible. But any help will b
greatly appreciated.
- Justi