Feature Suggestion



I don't know if this board is checked for suggestions,
but here goes anyway.

I have an AD group policy that enables the messenger
service and anonymous RPC within the LAN. These items
trigger alerts that can be ignored, but I would prefer
that anything stemming from an AD group policy option
simply work and not cause an alert. Also, I hope
the "block" option doesn't circumvent the group policy,
but I haven't tried it.

Under Realtime->Internet Agent CheckPoint->Details...
"Decativate Checkpoint" should be spelled "Deactivate"

Steve Dodson [MSFT]

Hi Travis,

Thanks for the suggestion. We are aware of a few issues with the beta being
deployed in an enterprise environment. The following KB describes some of
the management issues some users may encounter while running this beta.



Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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