Feature request



Might be nice to have a "Spywareblaster / Spybot
Immunize" type of feature added to MS Anti-Spyware.

Paul L.

I don't know, after I immunized my computer with that Spybot thingy, I
constantly had to click ok to open a site because pretty much all websites
have ad-cookies which spybot detects as adware.

I like the Real Time Protection much better and I think it does the same job
as the immunization feature from Spybot.

The Unknown P

SpywareBlaster does a superior "Hosts" file job and Spybot
S&D will tell you so, if you have SpywareBlaster
installed. It works a lot better than the Spybot immunize
feature and is better maintained as it focuses on this
aspect only. It's free as are the updates which appear
about every week or so.TTFN.


Of course I don't mind having Spywareblaster on the side
but some people just don't know about the program.

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