FEATURE REQUEST: Property set via ref parameter

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It would be nice and a natural way to use a property set by permitting it
to be set via a REF parameter on a method call.

Why this isnt being allowed is beyond me, yes I know they are wrappers for
get_ and set_ methods but if they are there to give the impression of a
FIELD, then they should have all the functionality of a field and not some
half brained implementation.


Please see my reply on the other newsgroups you posted to.
Multi-posting like this fragments discussion and should almost always
be avoided, IMO.
Its a multi group post.

It was a multi-post, and your other post was a cross-post.
Nobody forces you to reply. Get over urself

Multi-posting is well-known to be bad netiquette. If you want to have
meaningful discussions, it helps to abide by netiquette. They're not
arbitrary rules, they're guidelines which have proved over the years to
be useful in discussions.
Do you read? The subject is the same, the content is the same.

Go do a strcmp on it if you dont believe me. Tard.
Do you read? The subject is the same, the content is the same.

Exactly. That's the definition of a multi-post.
Go do a strcmp on it if you dont believe me. Tard.

I respectfully suggest you read some basic usenet netiquette
guidelines. They should explain to you what cross-posting is, what
multi-posting is, why you should only rarely cross-post and why you
should multi-post even more rarely.
You're a twat, do u know that.

Jon Skeet said:
Exactly. That's the definition of a multi-post.

I respectfully suggest you read some basic usenet netiquette
guidelines. They should explain to you what cross-posting is, what
multi-posting is, why you should only rarely cross-post and why you
should multi-post even more rarely.
Its usenet, get over you'reself you tard

You like most yanks act like you are the gift of the gab. In this case, you
reply to every little post you can with you're grubby fat fingers.
Now I am confused.
I thought Jon is a twat?

Anyway, great way of saying thanks to one of the most usefull poster around

Miha Markic - RightHand .NET consulting & software development
miha at rthand com

I don't owe him shit.

Miha Markic said:
Now I am confused.
I thought Jon is a twat?

Anyway, great way of saying thanks to one of the most usefull poster around
I don't owe him shit.

Maybe not, but with your attitude I'm sure that's all that you will get.

You actually had what I thought was a reasonable question. Too bad you
aren't willing to live up to your moniker.
maybe my news reader sucks [OE6.0] but I cant find the "other" newsgroup
that its been posted to...
Eric Newton said:
maybe my news reader sucks [OE6.0] but I cant find the "other" newsgroup
that its been posted to...

microsoft.public.dotnet.general and