FEATURE REQUEST: Form splitters that....

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actually are nicer to code, at present they just plain suck.

Your please have apparently been answered (depending on what you want). In
the next version of the framework is a SplitterContainer control. Here is
the description of the control:

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.
Represents a control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's
display area into two resizable panels. You can easily add controls to
these panels, and you can add other SplitContainer controls to existing
SplitContainer panels in order to have many resizable display areas.

You can see the properties and methods here:


Click on the Reference section on the left and browse to the
SplitterContainer control in the System.Windows.Forms namespace
can we run this LH API on non LH systems? Will it work on other runtime
can we run this LH API on non LH systems? Will it work on other runtime

My guess would be yes, because the longhorn specific classes are in the
MSAvalon namespaces. Much of that on the longhorn site is the Framework
1.2 namespaces. Some are longhorn specific, others not. But, until we get
the Whidbey alpha (sometime after Nov. 3), we won't know for sure.
Will they just release the runtime, i run vsnet 2002 and wont update for a
while , i just update the runtimes to get the new features
Will they just release the runtime, i run vsnet 2002 and wont update for a
while , i just update the runtimes to get the new features

I think the actual release is some time away. If you are a MS subscriber,
you can call their tech support and order the Whidbey and Lonhorn alphas on
DVD. They're supposed to ship on Nov. 3. We'll see though.