Brian Sturk
Finally got around to hooking this up. It's a combined 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 drive.
I was getting errors trying to write saying disks were write protected when they
clearly aren't. Turns out the write protect LED was dead. I replaced it with
what I had lying around. It does light up now, but I think it's drawing too
much current or something because now I get a floppy fail (40) during POST.
Anyone have an idea of what type of LED I could replace it with?
thanks for any help,
| Brian Sturk - http://users.adelphia.net/~bsturk \ C/C++ | .> )\,^a__
|-------------------------. bsturk<AT>adelphia.net | Python |( _ _)/ /-."~
| http://www.telengard.com `------------------------`-------| `( )_ )/
| Telengard Technologies Inc. - NT/*nix UI & device drivers |_<_s_<_s
I was getting errors trying to write saying disks were write protected when they
clearly aren't. Turns out the write protect LED was dead. I replaced it with
what I had lying around. It does light up now, but I think it's drawing too
much current or something because now I get a floppy fail (40) during POST.
Anyone have an idea of what type of LED I could replace it with?
thanks for any help,
| Brian Sturk - http://users.adelphia.net/~bsturk \ C/C++ | .> )\,^a__
|-------------------------. bsturk<AT>adelphia.net | Python |( _ _)/ /-."~
| http://www.telengard.com `------------------------`-------| `( )_ )/
| Telengard Technologies Inc. - NT/*nix UI & device drivers |_<_s_<_s