Windows XP fbserver.exe - what is it?

Oct 3, 2005
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Can someone please tell what fbserver.exe is? Only just noticed it in my list of Processes in XP Home Task Mgr. May be perfectly innocent. But googling so far has turned up nothing I can relate to. As far as I know I don't have a database app called Firebird!

Terry, East Grinstead, UK
Yep - FBServer.exe is the Firebird SQL Server component.
Stop the process and see what stops working!

You could also search your Registry for 'fbserver' to see where it is referenced from.

It's possible that an application has installed this as part of its requried functionality.
It's not malicious..
Thanks. You're right - eventually discovered that it was installed by a program called Magix Movie Editor.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK