I tried with DISK, RAM and RAM (reg) with the same result. The command
seems to run (it exit with 0x0) but the changes are not written
Exit with 0x0 doesn't sound good. In fact, it is likely erroring out.
If I launch ewfmgr from a command prompt it tells me unable to faind an EWF
Was this "failed to find EWF volume" output with EWF DISK, RAM or RAM Reg mode? In the first or the second, it is an error. For the
latter, it is ok. (hope you're working with FP20007 where EWF RAM Reg is easy to set up)
It seems that ewf volume is created AFTER running the script so I cannot uderstand why the modification are not written.
You can easy test if EWF is protecting the volume after FBA or not. Just make some changes on the disk manually, reboot and see if
the changes are persistent.
You would need to back up here. First of all, EWF is not properly configured on your system.
You can't just easy switch between EWF modes. Some clean-up needs to be done. E.g., you will have to make sure EWF Config partition
is removed every time you boot a new image to go through FBA. (use etprep /delete to remove that hidden partition)
EWF volume is getting created pretty early at FBA phases (8500) and yo can verify that in FBALog.txt. In fact, you should check the
FBALog.txt to see if EWF was properly installed and configured.