Bill Lefler
FAX Monitor does not display for the modem I am using for
FAXing. My system is set up as follows.
I have 2 modems installed.
I use the COMPUSA for internet dialup only and the US
Robotics for incoming and outgoing FAX only.
I FAX Service Management devices screen US Robotics is at
top of list and COMPUSA modem is set to no rec'v no send.
Is there some secret to how the modems are installed or is
there someplace I can change the priority of the modems?
FAXing. My system is set up as follows.
I have 2 modems installed.
I use the COMPUSA for internet dialup only and the US
Robotics for incoming and outgoing FAX only.
I FAX Service Management devices screen US Robotics is at
top of list and COMPUSA modem is set to no rec'v no send.
Is there some secret to how the modems are installed or is
there someplace I can change the priority of the modems?