The following code snippet might be helpful.
Note: Do add the FaxComex.dll to the C# project
using FAXCOMEXLib;
//number of messages to be fetched
int count = 10;
string messageId;
FaxServerClass fax = new FaxServerClass();
FaxFolders folders = fax.Folders;
FaxIncomingArchive incoming = folders.IncomingArchive;
FaxIncomingMessageIterator iterator = incoming.GetMessages(count);
FaxIncomingMessage message ;
for(int i=0;i<count && (!iterator.AtEOF) ;i++)
message = iterator.Message;
messageId = message.Id;
Renu Bhattar [MSFT]
Microsoft Printing, Imaging and Faxing
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Rambabu said:
I want to read Fax inbox items and Send items uisng C#
Any one Know this one send to me
(e-mail address removed)