Everything goes smoothly until end. At the end, when Finish button pressed operation completes without actually sending the fax. It doesn't go to Out-box. Incoming faxes too get disconnected at the end of receiving page-1.
This all started after I installed Tweak-XP 3 and it's RAM-Disk. I installed a RAM-disk and moved windows TEMP and TMP folders to RAM-disk. Without much attention then I un-installed the RAM-disk and all HELL started. Now System Restore is not working. It too completes un-successfully without giving a error. Most other errors I managed to correct.
Pls. somebody help me with the fax.
This all started after I installed Tweak-XP 3 and it's RAM-Disk. I installed a RAM-disk and moved windows TEMP and TMP folders to RAM-disk. Without much attention then I un-installed the RAM-disk and all HELL started. Now System Restore is not working. It too completes un-successfully without giving a error. Most other errors I managed to correct.
Pls. somebody help me with the fax.