OK. Since it is a long download, I'll post just the part you need to repair
1. Save the attachment to this post (or paste the text between dashed lines
at the bottom of this message into Notepad and save it).
2. Rename it RPCProt.reg
3. Go to Windows Explorer and double-click on RPCProt.reg - this would apply
the key to the registry (assuming that Merge is the default action).
3a. If double clicking the RENAMED file opens Notepad or WordPad, go to
'Start|Run', type REGEDIT, click OK, then go to 'File|Import' and navigate
to the file.
4. Stop and then restart the fax service
5. If we are correct in our guess, your Fax service will now work as
The contents of the attached file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Russ Valentine
Andrey said:
ok...it worked normaly until i did system repair with the
win xp pro boot cd. i did that to fix a problem with my
internet explorer. no i dont have sp1. i have dail-
up...and dont want to wait so long to download it.
-----Original Message-----
Did it ever work normally? If so what changes did you make before it stopped
Have you applied SP1?
Russ Valentine
Andrey said:
When I open the fax console, it says that my local fax
printer is not connected...i have repaired windows, i
have reinstalled the fax service...and nothing help...
can U help me???