Favourites problem



Life used to be so simple..I click Start/Favourties then whichever
shortcut I need to view., ie Google, then I was there.
Not any more. I click the link and now I get the following message:
"The target "" of this Internet Shortcut is not valid. Go to the
Internet Shortcut property sheet and make sure the target is correct."
I'm running Vista and IE7. I never had this problem before, in fact as
recent as two days ago all was fine. I also note that I can't access
websites from the 'star' button and drop down list in IE desktop
What has happened??? I've made no changes to my pc (as far as I can
I want life to be simple again!!
Thanks in advance for any help

Robert Aldwinckle

(cross-post added to Vista General)
mainman said:
Life used to be so simple..I click Start/Favourties then whichever
shortcut I need to view., ie Google, then I was there.
Not any more. I click the link and now I get the following message:
"The target "" of this Internet Shortcut is not valid. Go to the
Internet Shortcut property sheet and make sure the target is correct."
I'm running Vista and IE7. I never had this problem before, in fact as
recent as two days ago all was fine. I also note that I can't access
websites from the 'star' button and drop down list in IE desktop
What has happened??? I've made no changes to my pc (as far as I can
I want life to be simple again!!

Drag one to an open Notepad window to see what you are trying to open.

Also, open a cmd window (aka Command Prompt) and enter to see how
that is supposed to open (assuming the Properties of that shortcut shows
that it is an Internet Shortcut).

assoc .URL


ftype InternetShortcut

BTW this may have more to do with your OS than IE.
Cross-posting to a Vista NG.

Thanks in advance for any help


Robert Aldwinckle

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