bill gee said:
but a search shows several identical fldrs in different
how do i determine where ie6 is looking?
Here's my previous answer to this question:
Here's a general solution to that problem which will work
for all OS and any customization. The only assumption
is that the Favorites folder which is currently active contains
a subfolder.
For example, here are the keystrokes to make use of the
existence of a Links folder which happens to have something
in it:
In this case the L matches the Links subfolder
which automatically flies open on the right, hence the need
for the CursorLeft. Otherwise it is simply a matter of using
the right-click (or Menu key) on the (assumed) Favorites
subfolder in order to use the Open command at that level
and then Go Up to the main level.
Note: it would also be possible to right-click on any arbitrary
Favorite and enter its Properties, General tab and capture
the folder location from it. However, I think that opening
the subfolder and then going up into the main folder is
less work.
Robert Aldwinckle