A Hunter
I'm currently using IE version 6.0--and Windows XP Pro.
I noticed that when I removed Earthlink's software from my
PC, this same removal process emptied out my "favorites"
Prior to doing this, however, I made a copy of
the "favorites" folder (filepath--C:\docs &
settings\myusername) to the "my documents" folder.
Now...having replaced this same file back to its original
location in the above filepath, Internet Explorer won't
recognize it (or its contents) when I try to access it
while inside Internet Explorer.
Also: I can save new favorites inside Internet Explorer,
but I can't find where they're being saved on my PC (i.e.,
has a new folder been mysteriously created somewhere?),
and it's apparently not saving these new ones to the above
described "favorites" folder.
To correct this, how can I download & reinstall Internet
Explorer on my computer from Microsoft's website (since
I've been religious with updates, the install wizard from
the SP1 update website merely says, "newer version
detected--cannot continue")?
If reloading internet explorer from Microsoft's website is
not a worthwhile pursuit, what is the next best solution
option for the above problem?
Your suggestions on the above problem are...of
course...much appreciated.
Happy new year--to all!!!........
I noticed that when I removed Earthlink's software from my
PC, this same removal process emptied out my "favorites"
Prior to doing this, however, I made a copy of
the "favorites" folder (filepath--C:\docs &
settings\myusername) to the "my documents" folder.
Now...having replaced this same file back to its original
location in the above filepath, Internet Explorer won't
recognize it (or its contents) when I try to access it
while inside Internet Explorer.
Also: I can save new favorites inside Internet Explorer,
but I can't find where they're being saved on my PC (i.e.,
has a new folder been mysteriously created somewhere?),
and it's apparently not saving these new ones to the above
described "favorites" folder.
To correct this, how can I download & reinstall Internet
Explorer on my computer from Microsoft's website (since
I've been religious with updates, the install wizard from
the SP1 update website merely says, "newer version
detected--cannot continue")?
If reloading internet explorer from Microsoft's website is
not a worthwhile pursuit, what is the next best solution
option for the above problem?
Your suggestions on the above problem are...of
course...much appreciated.
Happy new year--to all!!!........