Favorites not working



In Internet explorer 6.0 onder XP Pro my favorites
stopped working. The list is there but when I click on a
favorite nothing happens. I thought I might have messed
up my old favorites somehow so I added a new favorite and
when I clicked on the new favorite nothing happens. Any
ideas on how to get them working again?

Maureen Goldman

Scott said:
In Internet explorer 6.0 onder XP Pro my favorites
stopped working. The list is there but when I click on a
favorite nothing happens. I thought I might have messed
up my old favorites somehow so I added a new favorite and
when I clicked on the new favorite nothing happens. Any
ideas on how to get them working again?

Do you still have IE listed as your default browser? You can restore
this via \internet options \ programs tab if you think another browser
might have taken over.

Other than that, I'd suggest system restore. Start, programs,
accessories, system tools. Select a recent date before the problem

Robert Aldwinckle

It would be best if you could do a full IE Repair
but your OS typically does not provide for that.

Instead try to Run... (press Win-R and enter:)

regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll

(The /i switch is essential to repair the associations.)


I have this exact problem. Doing a recovery is absolutely
not an option. Any other ideas to get these favorites
working again??

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