Favorites not working

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When clicking an item in my favorites list I now receive a message saying
that cannot find file C:\D & S\Roberta..... (or one of its components). Make
sure the path & file name are correct & that all required libraries are
available. I've checked and all the the files are there. I've rechecked for
spyware, viruses and i have a firewall running. The os is Win2K, IE is v6
with sp1. I've exported the favorites and found that using this list will
work. I have emptied my cache and temp files. This is a most annoying

Any information on this will be most appreciated.
It looks like the Registry entry is wrong.
You can change the value of Favorites in the Registry in these
two keys: (ignore the second if the value is not there)


Shell Folders

For Windows 2000/XP:
Shell Folders]
Set the Favorites path to : %USERPROFILE%\Favorites

The above should be a REG_EXPAND_SZ value, not REG_SZ

Ref: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/IEFAQ.htm#favorites

I've checked the registry entries and the user shell folder has the path as
you indicated with the REG_EXPAND_SZ. The shell folders value (same key) is
the C:\ directory where the favorites are stored. It's a puzzlement.
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails.

Alan Edwards said:
It looks like the Registry entry is wrong.
You can change the value of Favorites in the Registry in these
two keys: (ignore the second if the value is not there)


Shell Folders

For Windows 2000/XP:
Shell Folders]
Set the Favorites path to : %USERPROFILE%\Favorites

The above should be a REG_EXPAND_SZ value, not REG_SZ

Ref: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/IEFAQ.htm#favorites

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows -Internet Explorer

When clicking an item in my favorites list I now receive a message saying
that cannot find file C:\D & S\Roberta..... (or one of its components). Make
sure the path & file name are correct & that all required libraries are
available. I've checked and all the the files are there. I've rechecked for
spyware, viruses and i have a firewall running. The os is Win2K, IE is v6
with sp1. I've exported the favorites and found that using this list will
work. I have emptied my cache and temp files. This is a most annoying

Any information on this will be most appreciated.
OK. Try another approach.
Can you launch a favorite correctly by double-clicking it from Windows
Explorer in C:\.......\Favorites, rather than from the favorites menu
in IE?
In other words, do .URL files launch normally?

The short answer is no. The same message as when try from IE favorites.
Something is missing and I haven't a clue where to look. I had thought the
registry as you suggested but don't know where else to look.

You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails.
Roberta said:
The short answer is no. The same message as when try from IE
favorites. Something is missing and I haven't a clue where to look.
I had thought the registry as you suggested but don't know where else
to look.

You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails.

How about links like this one?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
OK, I tried the information for "if nothing happens when you click a link".
The URL file type says URL: Internet shortcut. Application used to perform
this action reads: rundll32.3xeshdocvw.dll, Open URL%l. I left this alone
and then checked the DDE box and put the information from #1 to #4. Then
tried opening a favorite. Now I get a Dialog box asking about a file
download. Whoops. So i went back and unchecked the DDE box. For some
unknown reason now when I click on a favorite my Firewall comes up and asks
is it ok to run rundll32.exe as a app. I said yes and the url worked. From
all of this I would say that the Firewall is acting crazy. What's your take?

Perhaps I should butt out but, with respect, you are in the wrong
place and have the wrong information anyway.
URL: Internet shortcut is not what Frank has on his page and should
be rundll32.exe shdocvw.dll,OpenURL %l
(not rundll32.3xeshdocvw.dll, Open URL%l as you have)

Please try the item Frank mentioned: URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol
It will be under Extensions (NONE)

This is getting odder. I went through Frank's information again and the only
extension listed for URL was the internet shortcut. Now if I look for None
as the extension I find nothing but there are a number of listings for N/A
one of which is URL:HTTP (spelled out not abbreviation) and it has all the
information as indicated in Frank's posting.

It all remains a big mystery. Thank you for your help so far. If anything
else occurs to you folks I would appreciate hearing about it.
The os is Win2K,

Thank you for disclosing your OS.

Most of the registry tweaks that Frank and Alan are offering you
are actually available in an IE Repair which your OS supports
and which would result in a mass re-registration of many key .dlls.

<title>KB194177 - Description of the Internet Explorer Repair tool</title>

Note in particular, the alternative command-line method of invoking it
implies the following can be done via Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance

The other bits seem to be superfluous but the entry point name
is case sensitive. So, if the Add/Remove Programs method
is not available to you just copy and paste the above example
into your Run... dialog.

BTW notice that the actual "repair" phase occurs during the boot
which a successful invocation will force; so it makes sense to close
all other applications before attempting the above command.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
Thank you Robert. Went to add/remove programs and highlighted IE 6 sp1 and
clicked change/remove then picked repair IE. This worked. After rebooting,
my favorites are back to their old selves. A very interesting exercise but
it was frustrating. Thank you Frank and Alan for you input.
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails.

Robert Aldwinckle said:
The os is Win2K,

Thank you for disclosing your OS.

Most of the registry tweaks that Frank and Alan are offering you
are actually available in an IE Repair which your OS supports
and which would result in a mass re-registration of many key .dlls.

<title>KB194177 - Description of the Internet Explorer Repair tool</title>

Note in particular, the alternative command-line method of invoking it
implies the following can be done via Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance

The other bits seem to be superfluous but the entry point name
is case sensitive. So, if the Add/Remove Programs method
is not available to you just copy and paste the above example
into your Run... dialog.

BTW notice that the actual "repair" phase occurs during the boot
which a successful invocation will force; so it makes sense to close
all other applications before attempting the above command.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle