Favorites (Icons)



You know when you designate a web page as a "Favorites", it will have an icon
next to the favorite for that web page...for example "Google" will have a "G"
as an icon listed in the Favorites menu. After a couple of days the icon
will revert to the Internet Explorer icon. Is there a way to prevent the
icons from changing to "IE" ?

Ronnie Vernon MVP

Darrell said:
You know when you designate a web page as a "Favorites", it will have
an icon next to the favorite for that web page...for example "Google"
will have a "G" as an icon listed in the Favorites menu. After a
couple of days the icon will revert to the Internet Explorer icon.
Is there a way to prevent the icons from changing to "IE" ?

These are called Favorite Icons (Favicons) and are placed on the web page by
the author. They are placed in the browser cache and when this cache is
flushed, they disappear. There is a program that can retrieve these icons
and make them permanent.

Go to the following website and scroll down to Line 108, right side. Click
the "FavOrg - Restore and Save Favorite Icons" link to download the program.
Unzip the file and double click the Setup.exe file to install the program.


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