Favorites automatically sort

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I have a problem with the favorites sorting every time the computer is
rebooted. As far as I know the folder preferences haven't been reset.

RKLuchy said:
I have a problem with the favorites sorting every time the computer is
rebooted. As far as I know the folder preferences haven't been reset.


There is a problem with favorites sorting properly if there are more than
193 favorites. Group them into folders with less than a hundred in any
RKLuchy said:
I have a problem with the favorites sorting every time the computer is
rebooted. As far as I know the folder preferences haven't been reset.


Looks like something is resetting the bits in the registry which control
that option.

Do some clean boot troubleshooting. E.g. use msconfig to disable things
which are starting automatically and keep notes of what you are testing
and the results of the tests.

First see if the symptom occurs during a safe boot, since it should be
starting a lot less stuff than what is starting now.

If the cause is happening before shutdown you will have a harder time
diagnosing it. In that case you could try using RegMon filtering on
Order (I think). E.g. if that is the variable which changes when you set
your Favorites in the order which you want and they are working
in that order for the rest of the login session and if you are running RegMon
and it shows that value changing again you would have a new clue about the cause.

If it is happening during shutdown you will have a much harder time
trying to diagnose the cause, since, for example, RegMon doesn't
have any permanent trace capability, so even if you tried to leave it
running right to the end you wouldn't be able to know if it had captured
anything then.

I think in that case that I would make sure that the change was in fact
occurring during the shutdown and not just as an undiagnosed step
during startup. E.g. boot an alternate partition and use Load Hive
to check the registry value on the shutdown system.

Alternatively you could just assume that the registry value was still
the way that you wanted it, then use RegMon's Log Boot option
to try to capture any changes then. E.g. perhaps that would capture
further changes during the boot. Unfortunately I don't think that Log Boot
option is filterable, so you would have to scan its (voluminous) output manually.

Another way to capture changes to the registry (supposedly) is to use
XP's Auditing feature. I have never tried that and I don't even know
if it is granular enough to capture what you would want.
However, I suspect it would solve the problem of not being able
to capture stuff which was happening either during shutdown
or during startup.

Hopefully you will be able to diagnose the symptom simply
with the first ideas I have outlined.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle