favorite icon


broken foot

i createded a favicon.ico in my website so that when
people save it to their"favorites" list, it puts a
customized icon beside the name of my site.

I then saved it to my own personal folder and my new icon
showed up fine. However, when i turned my computer off
and then on the next day, the icon no longer showed up
beside my name in my favorites list...it was back to the
generic icon that is beside all favorite names.

Why is that?

I am using IE 6.028

Steve Easton

The browser stores favicons in
the temporary internet files.
If you have IE set to delete or empty
the temporary internet files on shutdown,
the favicon gets deleted so your computer
reverts the link to the default IE icon on the
next start up.

For sites that I plan on keeping links to,
I save the favicon to a different folder
and then reset the icon for the link by right
clicking the shortcut, selecting Change Icon
and selecting and point to the icon I've saved
to the folder.

There's a little how to here:
Stop losing your Icons
towards the bottom of the page.

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