favicon, there ?

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Or left click and drag the IE icon at the left end of the Address Bar to the
right end till it turns into an arrow and then release.
Thanks to you all for the replies, much appreciated.

I've tried all that was mentioned and none resolved the issue. When I
clicked and dragged from one end to the other, it did show both in the add.
bar and in favs but the next launch of IE....gone again.

Guess it's a bug in IE.

Thanks again all.

Hi Selvan - These are known as favicons.ico (Favorite Icons) and they
normally will only last until your Internet Explorer Temp files are cleared.

You need to get a program called FavOrg 1.4 here:


or Version 1.2 here:


(still free at these links) which will allow you to save them permanently
in a different folder and re-associate your favorites with the stored icons.
(It will also verify whether your links in Favorites are stll good, BTW.)

If you want to read more about it first, go here:

You can also try FavIoncizer, here:
http://www.codeproject.com/tools/faviconizer.asp?target=favicons I've used
this and it's quite good,. It will actually find about a third more than
FavOrg does (since it checks for referenced URL's), but lacks some of the
other cababilites of FavOrg, Recommended.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply and links.

I already had FavOrg v1.2 but downloaded v1.4, neither helped. I tried
FavIconizer and it did retrieve the icon to my favs, thanks.

But IE still does not show it when the page loads even though I did not
empty the temp internet files.

Hi Jim,

Yes, I've tried typing in the address bar, clicking the fav with the icon
there (thanks to FavIconizer).

Although I already had IconEdit32 and irFanView, the icon I'm using was
downloaded from a site with many to choose from. This one is a 2 in 1 kind,
16x16 shows the face and 32x32 shows the baby crawling.

When viewed in the favs, I see only the face but when dragged to the desktop
you see the baby crawling.

That page you linked, it doesn't mention any html tag for the favicon,
should I remove it?
Hi Selvan - From http://www.webwonks.org/WebBuilding/Favicons.html

"The favicon HTML goes in the <head> tag just before you close the tag. It
is recommended that you put the HTML under the more important meta data. For
those of us without our own servers this must go one each page you want to
have your favicon appear on. You can have any number of favicons on your web
site, I have several myself. Here is the HTML that will tell the various
browsers where and what your favicon is:

<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

Like I said, the favicon itself goes into the root directory of your web
site by default. You don't have to have it there but unless you tell your
browser specifically where to look for it as the example shows, it will not
find your favicon unless it is in the root.

With HTTPS (secure HTTP) hard code the entire URL into the href of the link
rel tag. EX: href="http://webwonks.org/WebBuilding/favicon.ico" You will
need to do the same if you have the favicon stored in a folder buried in
your site and you want all the far flung pages of your site to reference it.
You can even reference somebody else's favicon but don't do it without the
expressed permission of the owner or you will visit the "room" when you die
and go to hell. You do not want to visit the "room". Trust me on this.

Mozilla is capable of viewing png file types for favicons. The HTML to
clarify this file type is in the TYPE value of the link rel tag.
Ex: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/png">"

I believe that nowdays most browsers will handle .png FavIcons, not just
Mozilla, but I'm not positive of that.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Selvan - Try submitting the most current version your page here:
http://validator.w3.org/check/referer Also, Tidy is a useful checker, here:
http://infohound.net/tidy/ Here's the warning it generated on your original
URL, http://lastborns.surf.to

8 Warning: unknown attribute "framecolor"
<FRAMESET rows="100%,*" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0

and here is what it gave for the first of your two code segments:

2 Warning: inserting missing 'title' element

and on the second one:

1 Warning: inserting missing 'title' element
<link rel="shortcut icon"

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Selvan - Also, take a look here:

In addition, FWIW, another poster reported that he had to change the file
name to Favicon.ico (from favicon.ico - that is, inital cap) to get it to
work correctly. I haven't had this confirmed, and I have no idea why this
would affect it, but . . . that's what he reported.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim,

Re: the original url http://lastborns.surf.to, it's a redirector to
http://home.infostations.net/selvan/index.html, neither of which loads the
icon. I guess for some strange reason or another, once the page is added to
the favs with the standard "e", it's nearly impossible to wipe the info out
so as to save it with the new by only using IE.

Anyway, I've decided to remove all tags to it and only use the name
Favicon.ico in the root dir, could you please verify that it still shows up
for you, thanks.

Thanks again
I think I'd leave it w/the inital cap given what the other poster said, and
since it obviously does make a difference in you finding it. This needs
some more investigation - I would have thought that it would be case
insensitive - but I just don't have time to look into it right now.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Selvan - Great - glad you got it going. I'm going to save your fix for
future reference. :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP
