Favicon Placement

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis Marks
  • Start date Start date

Dennis Marks

My web site has a URL in this format www.dcsi.net/~myusername/index.html.

Is there a way to have a favicon? Any favicon placed at www.dcsi.net would
apply to all users. I have tried www.xxx.net/~myusername/favicon.ico and
that does not seem to work. (note: myusername is not actual id)


Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I do not guarantee it. Be sure to back
up any files involved and use at your own risk. Batteries not included. Not
for internal use. Don't run with knives.
<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" href="images/favicon.ico">
You don't need any code if in the root of the domain. If elsewhere use above line relative to the root.