"favicon" in temp folder?



In Favorites folder (IE) some saved websites have their
own icon [file extension '.favicon'] instead of the
default "e". They are stored in the Temporary Internet
Files. Here at my home computer, the icons are removed
whenever a cleaning of the Temp Internet files folder is
done, (and I get the boring 'e' default icon) It has
always done that and I thought it was normal, But at work
when I clean the temp internet items folder the "Favicon"
are saved somehow and I can still see them when I choose
a "Favorite" website. How is that done? (Is it that I
have XP Pro at work and XP Home here? it did it with ME


rwrede said:
In Favorites folder (IE) some saved websites have their
own icon [file extension '.favicon'] instead of the
default "e". They are stored in the Temporary Internet
Files. Here at my home computer, the icons are removed
whenever a cleaning of the Temp Internet files folder is
done, (and I get the boring 'e' default icon) It has
always done that and I thought it was normal, But at work
when I clean the temp internet items folder the "Favicon"
are saved somehow and I can still see them when I choose
a "Favorite" website. How is that done? (Is it that I
have XP Pro at work and XP Home here? it did it with ME

Don't know if this helps, but I have noticed on my system that when cleaning
Temporary Internet Files if I select the box Delete all offline content that
the favicons are deleted as you mention, but if I do not select the box they
remain. Also I noticed that if I bring up the page again and save it to
Favorites again that the Favicons reappear.

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