Favicon icons disappearing



Hi all...

I've learned the simple method for creating a 16x16-pixel
icon, naming it favicon.ico, and placing it in the root folder
for my website. Choosing Favorites>Add to Favorites, or
dragging the icon from the Address bar to my Favorites
list works as expected during the current session.

However, the icon doesn't persist when I next launch
IE and view links in the Favorites pane. Indeed, no icon
for any other website persists.

-- My system is not running out of space in the Temp Internet
Files folder.
-- In Internet Options>Advanced>Security, the Empty
Temp Internet folder option is not set.
-- In Internet Options>Security Settings>Custom, the
Userdata persistence option is set.

The reason for the focus on the Temp Internet Files folder
is that I've noticed that icons seem to get stored there.


Thomas A. Rowe

If you have IE set to clear history or cache pages on exit, then the favicon will be deleted.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


If you want to keep it forever (almost) assign the icon image to the shortcut manually...otherwise it's gonna dissapear when you do some house keeping.

<MVSmith> wrote in message | Hi all...
| I've learned the simple method for creating a 16x16-pixel
| icon, naming it favicon.ico, and placing it in the root folder
| for my website. Choosing Favorites>Add to Favorites, or
| dragging the icon from the Address bar to my Favorites
| list works as expected during the current session.
| However, the icon doesn't persist when I next launch
| IE and view links in the Favorites pane. Indeed, no icon
| for any other website persists.
| -- My system is not running out of space in the Temp Internet
| Files folder.
| -- In Internet Options>Advanced>Security, the Empty
| Temp Internet folder option is not set.
| -- In Internet Options>Security Settings>Custom, the
| Userdata persistence option is set.
| The reason for the focus on the Temp Internet Files folder
| is that I've noticed that icons seem to get stored there.
| Regards,
| MVSmith


Thanks, Thomas and Crash...

I did have History set to 0 days.

Regarding clearing the cache, is that the same as
emptying the Temp Internet Files folder? If not,
how do I check a setting for this?

Crash, how do associate an icon with a
link manually? Are you talking about doing this
from within Windows, or as a web dev method?


Thomas A. Rowe

Yes, cache = temp folders

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


After you've created your shortcut to the website, right click on it, select Properties, then Change Icon.


I'd save it in a Windows folder somewhere...actually I have a folder for My Icons 'cause I do this a lot. (Windows/My Icons)

Make a copy of your icon and put it in the folder - don't link it to the one inside of FP.

<MVSmith> wrote in message | Thanks, Thomas and Crash...
| I did have History set to 0 days.
| Regarding clearing the cache, is that the same as
| emptying the Temp Internet Files folder? If not,
| how do I check a setting for this?
| Crash, how do associate an icon with a
| link manually? Are you talking about doing this
| from within Windows, or as a web dev method?
| Regards,
| MVSmith

Stefan B Rusynko

They are deleted when you select Delete File and check the option to Delete all Offline Content
- there are tools to let you retain the favicons in a separate folder from your IE TIF like Favorg
See http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,108438,00.asp


| If you have IE set to clear history or cache pages on exit, then the favicon will be deleted.
| --
| ==============================================
| Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| ==============================================
| To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| <MVSmith> wrote in message | > Hi all...
| >
| > I've learned the simple method for creating a 16x16-pixel
| > icon, naming it favicon.ico, and placing it in the root folder
| > for my website. Choosing Favorites>Add to Favorites, or
| > dragging the icon from the Address bar to my Favorites
| > list works as expected during the current session.
| >
| > However, the icon doesn't persist when I next launch
| > IE and view links in the Favorites pane. Indeed, no icon
| > for any other website persists.
| >
| > -- My system is not running out of space in the Temp Internet
| > Files folder.
| > -- In Internet Options>Advanced>Security, the Empty
| > Temp Internet folder option is not set.
| > -- In Internet Options>Security Settings>Custom, the
| > Userdata persistence option is set.
| >
| > The reason for the focus on the Temp Internet Files folder
| > is that I've noticed that icons seem to get stored there.
| >
| > Regards,
| > MVSmith
| >
| >
| >

George Hester

That doesn't show in the address bar though does it?

George Hester
After you've created your shortcut to the website, right click on it, select
Properties, then Change Icon.


I'd save it in a Windows folder somewhere...actually I have a folder for My
Icons 'cause I do this a lot. (Windows/My Icons)

Make a copy of your icon and put it in the folder - don't link it to the one
inside of FP.

<MVSmith> wrote in message | Thanks, Thomas and Crash...
| I did have History set to 0 days.
| Regarding clearing the cache, is that the same as
| emptying the Temp Internet Files folder? If not,
| how do I check a setting for this?
| Crash, how do associate an icon with a
| link manually? Are you talking about doing this
| from within Windows, or as a web dev method?
| Regards,
| MVSmith

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