Windows Vista Fatal Error

Aug 30, 2007
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Hello I hope i have posted this in the right place.
It is for my friend whos PC has crashed and she is absolutely stumped as to how to fix it.

She was working on safe mode
restarted the computer
and the a blue screen came up saying:
fatal error
system failure
followed by a very long code

She also said there was some spyware on her PC that she could not get rid of
and is pretty sure this has caused the problem

Is there anything that can she can do to sort the problem out?
STOP: c000021a
Fatal system error
The session manager initiation system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000034 (0x00000000 0x00000000). The system has been shut down.

this is the message
Well if there is nothing important to save , then try a complete system reinstall with the original disc(s) , you may have to change the bios to boot from the disc drive
Probably the installation of a suspect/dodgy 3rd party :nod: