XML Web Services and Remoting are essentially the same thing, as are WCF
services (Vista). DCOM is largely out of the picture right now.
The benefit of Remoting is the flexibility of protocol and the loss of being
coupled with HTTP. But, this benefit, which was largely in performance, is
pretty much gone now. The biggest benefit of Remoting, at this time, is
stateful objects (marshall by reference).
Web services have the benefit of being able to key them to a name service
(UDDI) and have the client automatically check with the name service when it
loses connectivity, giving you a lot of flexibility. The same can be done
with Remoting, but you will have to build it. Moving from ASMX web services
to WCF services is also an easy step, so you are heading in the correct
direction for Vista.
As for usage, I see a lot of Remoting. This is largely due to preoccupation
with performance, even though acceptable level of service is not normally
calculated prior to reducing cycles, so it is an artificial measure. In my
experience, web services in 1.x were fine for apps and 2.0 are even faster,
so the perf argument is bogus in most cases. In addition, I have found a
great number of shops tying Remoting to SSL, which means the only perf
benefit is the fact you do not have to go through a SOAP wrapper. So, you
get very little perf benefit at the cost of a lot of lost maintainability.
Not very wise.
I am sure some will disagree with me.
Gregory A. Beamer
Think Outside the Box!