FASTRA II: the world’s most powerful desktop supercomputer


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Must be some serious power and heat issues with this, hence the desktop fan! lol

I still want one though! :D

FASTRA II features an impressive thirteen general purpose graphics processing cores for a total performance of twelve teraflops - trillion floating-point operations per second - at a minuscule cost of just €6000 (£5,400).

The rather impressive build - requiring a special cage to hold the graphics cards which are connected to the motherboard via flexible riser cables - features six Nvidia GTX295 dual-GPU graphics cards along with a GTX275 single-GPU graphics card for a total of thirteen addressable processing cores - not including the system's CPU. In order to satisfy the power demands of all that graphics hardware, FASTRA II uses four individual power supplies all snugly nestled up on a Lian-Li PC-P80 Armorsuit case.

Give it a couple of years and that'll all fit in a Mini-ATX case ;)

Why the odd single GPU card I wonder?

Are there any games or software that could actually take advantage of all that power?

How much current does it draw and what's your leccy bill gonna be like?

Despite all that - highly desirable :)
True True. But still, 13 GPU's! :D

The single i guess would be for PhysX maybe?

Still nice though aint it. :)