1. Tie one end of a piece of string to the WiFi antenna, if your device has
one, and tie the other end to a tin can. Enumerate the 10,000 records on
your desktop computer and verablly dictate each record into the tin can.
Performance: slow;
Success rate: zero.
Implementation: easy peasy lemon squeezy.
2. Purchase a flock of carrier pigeons, 10,000 in number. Hand-write each
record onto a piece of paper and attach to the bird. Aim the bird at the
device and release.
Performance: slow:
Success rate: zero.
Implementation: possibly very messy.
3. Move to SQL Server. RDA and Merge Replication are your friends.
Performance: good!
Success rate: >1,000,000,000 pigeons.
Implementation: well documented.
4. Hire 10,000 people and get them to memorize one record each. Get them to
follow the device wherever it goes.
Performance: In theory, should outperform Oracle for record access. In
reality, you're statistically likely to get a few "slow" records
Success rate: Depends on the demographics of your recordset.
Implementation: costly, just like Oracle
5. Populate the DataSet on the server and transmit as a DataSet object using
Web Services ().
Performance: suffers from a serialization/deserialization overhead which is
costly with 10,000 records.
Success rate: Jackpot, baby!
Implementation: piece of cake.
6. Re-architect your solution. No one should need 10,000 records on a
device. Don't even think about loading that into a ListView either
Performance: the best yet.
Success rate: it's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Implementation: requires some research and reading of those folded paper
thingies.... (books)
Personally, I *seriously* push you in the direction of #6.
PS -- Don't take #1, #2, or #4 too seriously or as an insult. I'm just
messing with ya