Fastest Gun In The West (er, graphicard)


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
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When Nvidia releases a new graphics core, who usually makes the fastest and most stable card without jacking up the price to much? (i.e. BFG, Asus, Evga, etc etc) i dont want the price hike to but above $70 over stock. who predictably does this?

When Nvidia lets loose the 9800 GTX (or what ever its called), i plan on grabbing it and i want a fastest card in town :)
Well if its anything like the 8800's the actual cards are all the same, only difference is the stickers, warranty and bundled stuff etc. Some will be factory overclocked too. :)
well if its overclocked, who makes the "best" ones?
Personally i got for ones with a better warranty and rep for RMA's if the worst comes to the worst. But if you stick with BFG, EVGA Leadtek etc you cant go far wrong.

You can just oc with Rivatuner. :)
i havent had too much luck OCing video cards, and i would rather have the company who makes the card to be at fault... then my own :D
I heard good things about Evga, ill check some of their current cards and see how they stack up against others
Yea, all the cards come off the same production line- to start with there is very little binning so buy the cheapest one, or buy the one with the best warranty.

the OC versions of the cards appear a little later once initial demand settles and BFG/Asus/eVGA etc can speed bin slightly but TBH theres very little differentiation- sometimes the RAM can be hit n miss but the cores perform near-as the same.
BFG all the way :thumb:

Just my personal experience...

Don't have too fond an opinion of XFX either, too many of their cards crapped out on me :mad:
I've only had two XFX cards but htey have both been great.

Problem is they never change the cooler, only the frequencies. They are however usually cheaper than the otehr factory OCs.
hmm.. although BFG is usually one of the more expesive brands, they do have the lifetime warrenty :D
ehh... exactly how many companys sell Nvidia powered cards?